
Most businesses are managed by specialists who know their industry very well. From time to time, they encounter opportunities that allow them to look at their business or industry differently or to look at an extension of their business into a new area. Other times, they encounter problems generated by the media, community, customer, or government. In both of these instances, we come to the table as generalists to help them navigate new ventures or overcome obstacles.



We have a proven track record of bringing a fresh external perspective to higher education institutions, government entities and businesses through targeted organizational review processes. We call on our judgment, experience and intuition as we interview individuals within the organization and often stakeholders outside of the organization, as well as review its processes, procedures and organizational structure, in order to recommend the best path forward for the entity. The genesis for each project is unique – much like the organizations themselves. Oftentimes, we’re asked to continue to consult to organizations as they implement the changes recommended and/or process the feedback we share.



A lot of our business in Washington and a significant portion of our business in Nashville lands under the banner of government relations. We define our government relations practice as helping businesses navigate the world of government. In addition to our Government Relations practice, we have years of experience and knowledge in forming, managing, and strengthening Political Action Committees (PACs) for our clients.



We call it communications strategy instead of public relations intentionally. Certainly, traditional public relations activities are a tactic to employ when you’re talking about communications, but that’s not the only approach. When we meet a client with a communications need, we first want to understand what’s at the core of their issue. We believe our messaging ability rivals anyone in the business, and we pride ourselves on helping our clients see how communications fits into the larger picture.



One should never respond to a crisis without a plan. We work to know everything there is to know about the crisis, what caused it, what’s right or wrong about the situation and then we very carefully, to selected audiences, communicate with the highest level of integrity about the issue. We don’t wish a crisis for any client, but we believe there’s no one better to deal with one than us.



We’ve represented Mayors, U.S. Senators, Governors and Presidential candidates. We’ve represented Republicans and Democrats. Our interest is not in one party. Rather, our interest is in the person best equipped to serve their constituents. We’re familiar with every aspect of campaigning from money to messaging to politics. The most important component of every campaign is to begin with a plan and then follow that plan to victory.